How Apple is Undermining Privacy and Free Speech in America

How Apple is Undermining Privacy and Free Speech in America

To further suppress your constitutional rights, Apple pushes forth a new plan without your consent—scan your devices and cloud storage for what they deem inappropriate. To sugar coat the initiative, they play on people’s psyche with the narrative of child protection. But this isn’t the end game or the main reasons behind the new policies. Apple works lock-step with the Biden regime as they not only plan to profile and classify each person but also remove end-to-end encryption for messaging on user devices. No more privacy as BigTech surveillance goes mainstream (CDT, 2021).

Apple is replacing its industry-standard end-to-end encrypted messaging system with an infrastructure for surveillance and censorship, which will be vulnerable to abuse and scope-creep not only in the U.S., but around the world,

Greg Nojeim, Co-Director of CDT’s Security & Surveillance Project.

But the danger lies in their machine-learning algorithms, which have low accuracy rates and prone to errors. This recent move isn’t about protection, it’s about censorship.

What can this mean for your future with Apple? If they find an image or text message they declare improper, the authorities alerted and your arrest imminent.

Yet, back in 2020, when then president Trump asked for the passwords for those who attacked the Navy in Florida in 2019, Apple refused. Fast forward, when the FBI requested access to the iPhones of the Islamic terrorist who killed 14 and injured 22 in San Bernardino, they again denied the request (Abelson 2021).

The bottom line, Apple doesn’t care about your kids. It’s about the guarantee you never fall out of line with the narrative which BigTech, the RINO’s and the DNC set forth.

And in case you forgot, Apple used their power to delete a platform from their App Store who didn’t align with their political agenda. When the election scene heated and mainstream media companies such as twitter and Facebook banned conservatives, apple joined the fun. They removed Parler from their store, which revoked iPhone users’ ability to engage via the mobile app (Starnes 2019).

If you believe Apple cares about you or your kids, you better think again. These tech companies push Chinese style censorship on American citizens without warrant. It’s time we all fight back. Cease the use of their services and hit them where it hurts, their pocketbooks.

The only line between communism and freedom in the United States is we the people. Unless you take a hard stand now, you will live the rest of your days on your knees. There are more of us than them, so never forget we can win if we choose to stand.


Abelson, Richard. 2021. “Apple Reveals Plans to Spy on Everyone’s iPhones – Here’s How to Check for Spy Software.” The Gateway Pundit. August 6, 2021.

“CDT: Apple’s Changes to Messaging and Photo Services Threaten Users’ Security and Privacy.” 2021. Center for Democracy and Technology. August 5, 2021.

Starnes, Todd. 2019. “Apple Threatened to Kick Parler Off App Store Unless They Banned “Certain” Individuals.” Todd Starnes. June 25, 2019.

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